Australia’s most common health problem

Have you ever experienced tooth decay? If you said yes then you’re with the majority of Australians

While it seems like a fair assumption to say that Australia’s most common health problem would be the flu, or any number of other medical concerns, surprisingly tooth decay is the most common health problem in Australia.

Over 90% of adults have experienced tooth decay according to the survey “Adult oral health and dental visiting in Australia” which was conducted by the Institute of Health and welfare.

Avoid the confusion: tooth decay is preventable

Did you know Australia’s most common health problem is actually avoidable?

A study conducted by the Australian Dental Association reported that 57% of Australians believed tooth decay was inevitable.

Dr Craig Duval and the team at Sherwood Dental are committed to turning these worrying statistics around, one patient at a time. Our dental professionals believe that the first step of change is creating a better understanding about oral health.

The fact that dental decay is preventable is paramount in the effort to turn Australians’ dental health around.

There are 11 million newly decaying teeth in Australia every year


That is roughly the same amount of decaying teeth as the entire population of Greece!

Each of these decaying teeth represents potential discomfort, time and money for the person. By adopting healthy dental habits, as well as regular visits to the dentist, many of these teeth could have been protected.

Did you know tooth decay is 5 times more common in children than asthma?

Further research conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Wellness found that 48.7% of Australian children between the ages of five and six years have experienced dental decay in the past.

Furthermore, the average number of teeth with cavities per child was 2. This research also stated that tooth decay is 5 times more common in children than asthma.

More Australians than not avoid visiting the dentist

Over 61% of Australian adults have an intermediate or unfavourable pattern of visiting the dentist. These figures also coincide with an overwhelming amount of dental concerns, compared to the 39% who enjoyed a more favourable dental visiting pattern.

These figures were found in the survey “Improving oral health and dental care for Australians” conducted by the University of Adelaide.

So what can you do?

While these figures can be alarming, it’s important to realise that your dentist is here to take care of your teeth, not to pass judgement about dental cavities. At Sherwood Dental we practice blame-free dentistry; Dr Crag Duval is only concerned with your comfort while you are visiting us and the health of your teeth.

The four steps towards great oral health

You can strive to avoid dental cavities by performing these 4 steps:

  • Brushing twice daily
  • Flossing once daily
  • Seeing the dentist every 6 months
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle

It is important to note that while brushing and flossing are essential parts, these steps alone will not provide you with 100% protection. Regular exams and x-rays can identify problems sooner, like decay, failing fillings, cracks and abscesses. In addition to intercepting problems, these appointments can help to prevent concerns before they even develop. A full examination, clean, fluoride treatment and any necessary x-rays can help to remove plaque and tartar that can cause tooth decay.

If you would like to know more about dental decay, or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Craig Duval and our Sherwood dental professionals.

Dental anxiety? Join the club

Did you know that only 60% of Australian adults visit the dentist annually?

That means 40% of people are avoiding the dentist. While there are a number of different reasons why people don’t visit the dentist, dental phobia is among one of the most prevalent factors. So if you are feeling anxious about your dental appointment, try to relax – you are not alone.

Treating dental phobia

Dr Craig Duval and our dental professionals at our South Brisbane practice treat anxious patients every single day. We make it a priority to find out if our patients are feeling nervous about their appointment. If you are feeling nervous about your appointment, there are a number of different steps our dental professionals can take to help to make you feel relaxed and comfortable.

Causes of dental anxiety

There are a number of reasons why people feel anxious about visiting the dentist. The three most common reasons that people fear the dentist include:

Past experiences

Many patients who experience dental anxiety have had an unpleasant experience when visiting the dentist in the past.

The Sherwood Dental difference: Our dental professionals take the time to discuss any anxieties you may be feeling with you prior to your treatment. Dr Craig Duval will walk you through your appointment as it is happening to help minimise any dental anxiety you are feeling. Our practice prioritises your comfort and if you feel nervous or uncomfortable at any point during your appointment we encourage you to let our dental professionals know immediately. We also strive to personalise your appointment, so you never feel like you are just a number.

  • Perceived lack of control

The feeling of being laid back in the dental chair and out of control during your treatment can generate dental anxiety.

The Sherwood Dental difference: Dr Craig Duval understands that lying back in the dental chair can make patients feel nervous. In partnership with our dental team Dr Craig Duval will walk you through each step of your treatment as it is happening. This means no surprises during your appointment, so you can relax and feel that you know what each step will be.

  • Fear of the outcome

A significant factor of dental anxiety is a fear of the outcome of your appointment or the perceived belief that you will receive bad news.

The Sherwood Dental difference: Sherwood Dental is committed to giving you an accurate diagnosis and discussing your full treatment options with you. We will never begin a treatment without discussing the procedure and the pricing with you first. Chances are if you have a moderate toothache you will only need a filling, however the sooner you have a toothache seen to the easier it will be to treat. We practice conservative dentistry so you don’t have to worry about our dental professionals suggesting a treatment that is unnecessary for your teeth.

The consequences of not receiving dental care

There are a number of concerning consequences that can develop as result of not visiting the dentist.

According to the results of the National Dental Telephone Interview Survey in 2010, 1 in 5 people in rated their dental health as ‘fair’ or ‘poor’ and 25.3% of people reported being uncomfortable with their dental appearance.

By ignoring poor dental health because of dental anxiety, unfortunately the concerns will only become more serious.

Your options for managing dental anxiety at Sherwood Dental

If you have a fear of visiting the dentist or receiving dental treatment then sedation dentistry may be a viable option for you. We offer highly monitored sedation dentistry from our relaxing South Brisbane dental practice.

We also offer local anaesthetic so our patients do not feel any pain or discomfort from their treatment. In some circumstances a specialised anaesthetic gel or spray which has a numbing effect may be applied prior to the administration of the local aesthetic injection is administered.

Dr Craig Duval partners these options with compassionate and attentive care throughout every step of your treatment.

If you would like to know more about dental anxiety, or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact our Sherwood dental professionals.

Little smiles play a big role

Did you know that your child’s baby teeth play a huge role in their current health and development, as well as their future dental health?

At Sherwood Dental we are passionate about smiles of all sizes. Many of our patients ask us when is the best age to bring children in to have a dental appointment. Many people also wonder if a child’s baby teeth (otherwise known as deciduous) are important to their current and later dental and overall health.

It is important to bring your child in as early as possible to have their first dental appointment. In addition to this, your child’s baby teeth play a significant role in the development of their health and their future dental health.

The prevalence of dental decay in baby teeth may surprise you….

While baby teeth are very important to a child’s dental health, tooth decay in baby teeth is extremely prevalent. In a survey taken by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare the statistics reported that 48.7% of children aged 5-6 that were surveyed had a history of dental decay in their baby teeth. In addition to this statistic, the survey also reported that the average number of missing, decayed or filled baby teeth was 2.0 per child.


What can cause dental decay in a child’s baby teeth?

There are a number of different factors that can cause dental decay in baby teeth.


Why you should care about dental decay in baby teeth

While you child will develop a second set of teeth, a child’s baby teeth play a very important role in their health.

  • Baby teeth allow children to develop correct speaking patterns and pronunciation
  • Children are able to draw sufficient nutrients from their foods they are eating by chewing and digesting, which is enabled by baby teeth
  • Baby teeth act as placeholders for the adult teeth
  • The dental hygiene routine your child employs when they are young can stay with them for life and can shape their continuing relationship with their dental health

Tips to avoid dental decay in children

Parents can help their children avoid dental decay with a number of different steps. Some tips our dental professionals suggest is:

  • Supervising and being involved with your child’s dental hygiene, which includes helping them brush and floss their teeth until they can do it properly themselves
  • With regular dental check-ups with our team at Sherwood Dental we can treat and prevent the development of dental decay before it causes cavities and toothaches
  • Avoiding soft drinks and foods that are high in sugar, these things should only be enjoyed occasionally
  • Ensuring that their school lunches and the food and drinks they have at home are health


Comprehensive dental care for children

At Sherwood Dental we believe that children should start to visit our dental practice as young as possible, normally around three years of age. We also encourage our patients who are parents to bring their children in to their dental appointment so they can become familiar with visiting the dentist.  Our skilled dental professionals provide comprehensive dental care for every member of your family.

If you would like to know more about children’s dentistry, or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact our Sherwood dental professionals.

The truth behind wisdom teeth

The story behind wisdom teeth

At Sherwood Dental Care our skilled dental team understand that many of our patients are confused when it comes to wisdom teeth. Not only are patients confused about why wisdom teeth erupt, many are also unsure whether they should have their wisdom teeth removed.

Our dental professionals strive to give our patients all the information they need to make an informed decision at our Sherwood practice. When it comes to wisdom teeth, each patient is unique and the discussed outcome – whether to extract or not to extract- will differ from patient to patient. Some patients never even grow wisdom teeth, while some will have 4 erupt, some may only have 3 – there is no formula to it.

Why do we have wisdom teeth?

The question of why we have wisdom teeth has been a commonly asked query for many years, asked by many different people from a variety of professions.

Regardless of why, most medical professionals will agree that in our modern lives wisdom teeth are often unnecessary within the dental arch. Some biologists have classified the teeth as “vestigial organs”, meaning that this part of the body is virtually redundant in modern times.

Why do wisdom teeth erupt later in life?

Tooth development normally occurs in two major stages: firstly with the eruption of the baby teeth and secondly with the eruption of the adult teeth. These phases can span years, with the first phase occurring around 6 months old and the second following at around 7 or 8 years. In saying that, it is important to note that like our patients, their teeth are also unique, and there is no set exact time that teeth erupt.

Unlike baby and adult teeth, wisdom teeth differ, often erupting sometime between the ages of 17 to 25.

The name “wisdom teeth” is actually derived from the notion that by the time you receive these teeth that you are normally “wise”. An answer to why they do not develop until this time could be related to the fact that the need to chew more coarse food does not develop until people reach adulthood.

Why can wisdom teeth become a concern?

While some people’s wisdom teeth will erupt with only slight discomfort and no real greater concern, often wisdom teeth can become quite problematic. This is because the upper and lower dental arch is often not large enough to accommodate these extra teeth.

What complications can arise from erupting wisdom teeth?

There are a number of concerns that can be caused by the presence or eruption of wisdom teeth. These problems include:

  • Shifting of the surrounding teeth – Wisdom teeth can cause the surrounding teeth to move in order to accommodate for the new teeth, which can not only cause complications in your bite, it can also make your teeth appear crooked.
  • Impaction – These teeth can also impact into the other teeth, which can ultimately damage the other teeth, the bite structure and even the jawbone.
  • Infection – If the teeth partially erupt, or remain beneath the gum line, they can create an opening where the bacteria can become trapped, which can ultimately lead to a bacteria growth and the spread of infection.

To extract or not to extract

As we mentioned above, this question will be entirely dependent on your particular dental condition.  Our dental professionals are committed to providing an individualised and holistic approach to dentistry, thus we assess each of our patients unique dental condition before suggesting a treatment option to them.

If you are feeling any pain or discomfort, or if you notice your wisdom teeth erupting, please do not hesitate to contact our Sherwood dental professionals.